Thursday, October 27, 2005

Rwanda Cup of Hope

I was going to write an entry the other day about Second Cup's new flavour "Rwanda Cup of Hope". I was going to write about asking the girl - err, "coffee barista" whether she knew the story with the name. I mean, I thought that the name would mean that all proceeds go towards Rwanda. If you've seen Hotel Rwanda (and you should if you haven't), or if you are on top of world genocide would agree that they deserve as much as they can receive.

She explained that the coffee was in fact Fair Trade. This is wonderful, and I would have opt for that flavour had it been indicated anywhere before I had ordered. I mean if you're faced with buying the same-type of shirt made from a sweat shop, or high quality conditioned warehouse, which would you choose? But still...couldn't part of the proceeds ALSO go to Rwanda?
It would be nice. There's more on this here:

Anyway...I guess now I've rambled on enough on this topic to post it as it's own.

My "real" news can be found here:


Jay said...

It would be nice. But Starbucks isn't really known for nice.

Anonymous said...

We're talking Second Cup, not Starbucks here..but I agree with you - they aren't.